Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Everybody Loves Explosions

Fireworks at Leicester's Abbey Park, was a quality show, quite short though.
I really like the spot lighting on these photo's in front of the foodstalls. the more abstract images shown are out of focus shots of lights.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

more images from John Howard's print workshop, including a few of the plates i made and a few prints.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Summer Print Workshop

so over the summer i went down to penryn, cornwall to participate in a week long print workshop with the coolest artist/printmaker i've ever met, John Howard.
check him out at www.johnhowardprintstudios.com
the course was at his brilliant studio on the side of the harbour in the small town of penryn near falmouth, cornwall

I took along some typography work to turn into print, the studio uses traditional metal etching techniques to put the image onto a metal plate.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Yo homes, wheres the updates...

so i've finished my second year at uni and passed, going into the third year.
i've been very busy recently at work earning some pennies to pay for nice shiny things...

in the near future i will be attending some print workshops run by john howard in his penryn studio, i will be doing this thanks to an award of a priestley bursary from my university :) good times i say!!!

look out for some posts of work/photos from this upcoming event

keep it chopped out, yeah?!

Monday, 30 March 2009

another poster idea for the same idea as the last except this one uses existing fonts and gets more 'crazy' for want of a better word, further down the page, emphasizing the quotes more and more giving the idea of propaganda confusing the viewer and sowing doubt

A quick look at some work in progress of a poster for my critical and contwxtual studies graphics work, it's about the ethics of propaganda, this optical illusion represents the way that propaganda decieves people. the words are selected from my essay on the same topic

Friday, 13 March 2009

this week i have been making maquettes of coffins which will become coffin shaped cigarette boxes for an art direction project in which we have to design a stop smoking advert.

these will sport all the usual info you see on a cigarette box, warnings labels etc.

i will be sure to post pictures of the finished articles once properly finished etc.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Recently i went to Krakow city in Poland. It is a fairy tale place covered in snow with old architecture and buildings, i would advise anyone to visit there.

While walking around Krakow i saw these posters that just caught my eye, the city has hundreds of posters dotted around and has some interesting graffiti which really shows the liveliness and artistic nature of the place. something i think that we are missing in the uk